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Rice week

There are dry, mellow and brothy. There are meat, vegetable and/or fish dishes. There are traditional and modern ones. There are a thousand varieties and for all, or almost all, tastes. In addition to its multiple possibilities of elaboration, the rice, the rice culture, is very present in the popular recipe book of La Vila Joiosa.

Rice dishes are deeply rooted in the Vila's cuisine and that is why the town's restaurateurs and the town council decided in 2011 to create “La Setmana de l'Arròs” (Rice Week). An event that comes with La Vila Gastronómica, already consolidated, and as a seal of quality, after a decade of impeccable journey with the Mostra de Cuina Marinera.

In addition, this week of rice, having a more agile format than the Mostra, allows more restaurants to participate, thus offering a more complete image of the wide range of gastronomic offer of the municipality. Demonstrating, once again, that the rich and varied gastronomy vilera is one of the elements energizing the economy of the municipality as it is one of the main tourist attractions of the municipality.

During the Setmana de l'Arròs the restaurants participating in the event present a menu whose main dish is rice. A proposal with starters, main course and dessert that allows us, at popular prices, to approach the cuisine of Vila and especially the versatility of a product as ours as rice.

Enjoy the Setmana de l'arròs from the 18th to the 27th of October.
